Daria Ekamasova naked

Daria Ekamasova naked

Daria Ekamasova (born may 20, 1984, Moscow) — Russian actress of theater and cinema. In 2011, the screens out the film of Director Andrey Smirnova "the vein-was one woman", where Daria Ekamasova played a major role — the simple Tambov peasant barbarian. This role is bring her fame, additionally, the audience saw a fully naked Daria Ekamasova in films. Other roles of note is the "Legend №17" — the role of Tatyana Kharlamova, sister Valery Kharlamov and "Champions: Faster. Above. Stronger" — Daria Shmeleva, wife of swimmer Alexander Popov

    Footage from the film with Daria Ekamasova naked

  • Footage from the film with Daria Ekamasova naked
  • Footage from the film with Daria Ekamasova naked
  • Footage from the film with Daria Ekamasova naked
  • Footage from the film with Daria Ekamasova naked
  • Footage from the film with Daria Ekamasova naked

video scenes with Daria Ekamasova naked

Daria Ekamasova rape in the bath

1 м.20 сек.

Short prehistory of this scene -  the farmer in the performance of Daria caught Ekamasova mosciki an..

failed first sex with Daria Ekamasova

2 м.43 сек.

the scene  Daria Ekamasova where she plays the role of peasant women in first marriage night. My hus..

Fully naked Daria Ekamasova in the bath

0 м.27 сек.

a rare scene when you can see completely naked actress. This scene is one of them.  Russian actress ..

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 (1 Pages)

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