Dasha Astafyeva naked

Dasha Astafyeva naked

Daria (Dasha) Astafieva (Ukrainian. Dar'k I Viktorivna) was born on 4 August 1985, Ordzhonikidze, USSR. The soloist of group NikitA. A successful fashion model, actress, television presenter, singer and sexy girl with a nice naturally body. Photos of naked Astafyeva very often appeared on the pages of adult magazine Playboy, and other top men's magazines - Maxim, XXL, Esquire. These photo shoots are distinguished by the fact that Dasha Astafieva is removed completely naked, without any censorship and do not hesitate to demonstrates all her naked body. So fans of the stars can see her charms to the finest detail. Besides, even Daria has appeared in several explicit scenes in the movie.

    Footage from the film with Dasha Astafyeva naked

  • Footage from the film with Dasha Astafyeva naked
  • Footage from the film with Dasha Astafyeva naked
  • Footage from the film with Dasha Astafyeva naked
  • Footage from the film with Dasha Astafyeva naked
  • Footage from the film with Dasha Astafyeva naked

video scenes with Dasha Astafyeva naked

Dasha Astafieva sex scene in the film What men are doing

0 м.46 сек.

Dasha Astafieva in the film "What men are doing-2" appeared not in quite the usual way - then she ko..

Naked Dasha Astafieva in Playboy

7 м.21 сек.

Daria Astafiev know already almost everything. For the world she's a famous model, but she  also the..

Showing 1 to 2 of 2 (1 Pages)

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