Pirelli Calendar video naked celebrities

Pirelli Calendar video naked celebrities

Pirelli Calendar - one video magazine, which produces calendars with the stars - Actresses. models. When you hear the name Pirelli is the first Association is the Italian tyres. With tyres of this brand began the history of the magazine. In 1964 the company made a video to advertise their tires, releasing the logs, which were given only a limited number of customers. The magazine was immediately popular thanks to the candid shots involving the most famous and sexy women of her time and became a separate direction of the company, and very profitable. The shooting of this magazine are characterized by their eroticism and sexuality. The company manages to persuade international stars to undress on camera by photographers. Celebrities who were not previously filmed naked, showing their naked bodies for the first time for their fans, making the magazine even more popular. It is difficult to list all the celebrities who were naked for the Pirelli Calendar. Here are some of them - Pirelli Calendar Penelope Cruz (2007), model Naomi Campbell (1995), model Kate moss (1994), actress Julianne Moore (2011), model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (2010).Of Russian celebrities, this honor was the model Sasha Pivovarova and Natalia Vodianova

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Another top model of the flock a victim of the Pirelli magazine. Such a victim was the Australian mo..

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley fully naked on the set of the Pirelli magazine

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