Sports Illustrated videos photo shoots of stars

Sports Illustrated videos photo shoots of stars

Sports Illustrated — weekly American sports magazine published by the media holding Time Warner. The journal covers primarily American sports: NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, College basketball and football tournaments, racing, NASCAR, Golf, Boxing, tennis; to a much lesser extent covered is not very popular in USA football. Founded in 1954. Since 1964, published a special annual issue of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit with pictures of supermodels in bathing suits against the backdrop of exotic landscapes. This issue interests us. At different times for this Yearbook were shot by such famous models as Kathy Ireland, Elle MacPherson, Petra Nemcova, Heidi Klum, tyra banks, Marisa Miller, Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell and Bar Refaeli. In addition to the models for the magazine in swimsuits posed for famous athletes: tennis player Steffi Graf, Serena and Venus Williams, Anna Kournikova, Maria Sharapova, swimmer Amanda beard, basketball player Lauren Jackson, figure skater, Ekaterina Gordeeva. In addition to bright sexy Minkov, the journal publishes and videos from these photoshoots with the sexy celebrities.

Paige Vanzant Hot Swimsuit Photoshoot

1 м.54 сек. 886

MMA's Paige Vanzant showed off her figure in a revealing swimsuit during a photo shoot for Sport..

Brooklyn Decker in swimsuit

2 м.23 сек. 1578

In 2011, twenty-four American top model Brooklyn Decker (Brooklyn Decker) took part in a photo shoot..

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