Katrina Balfe naked scene

Katrina Balfe naked scene

Katrina Balfe (eng. Caitriona Balfe) was born on 4 October 1979, Monaghan, Ulster, Ireland — the Irish model, television and film actress. Among the models of Ireland first achieved international fame. He started his career as a model, advertised underwear and also starred in commercials known companies. But still decided that a modeling career was not for her and began to try himself in a movie that, at first, did not work. The auditions were unsuccessful, and the role that received was sporadic. But the happiness she smiled and in September 2013, less than a month before the filming, was approved for the lead role in the TV series "Outlander". Then she became a famous actress. However for this role, Catriona Balfe was filmed naked in explicit sex scenes, but thanks to scenes with naked balfe Rolling Stone Magazine included her in the list of 25 most sexiest people of 2014, the magazine Entertainment Weekly in the list of 12 breakout star of 2014 by BBC America called the beloved British actress of 2014. Commenting on the need to pose practically Nude in "the Stranger", a 36-year-old actress said: "of Course, I have some complexes. My body is not the same as it was in 26 years, but it is important to show on the screen of a real woman. Who you are as a person is much more important than to have a tight ass."

    Footage from the film with Katrina Balfe naked scene

  • Footage from the film with Katrina Balfe naked scene
  • Footage from the film with Katrina Balfe naked scene
  • Footage from the film with Katrina Balfe naked scene
  • Footage from the film with Katrina Balfe naked scene
  • Footage from the film with Katrina Balfe naked scene

video scenes with Katrina Balfe naked scene

First sex with Katrina Balfe

3 м.18 сек.


Interrupted the attempted rape of Katrina Balfe

2 м.14 сек.

Katrina Balfe-interrogation, her bare Breasts and her Breasts bare is put on the table, and then tak..

Katrina Balfe gets an orgasm from kuni

1 м.28 сек.

 Katrina Balfe lies Topless in bed and gets pleasure from the fact that she was doing Cooney. sudden..

Katrina Balfe undresses before the goal

0 м.36 сек.

Katrina Balfe first is in underwear and ready to swim, to do this she first takes off her bra exposi..

Naked Katrina Balfe in all its glory

4 м.11 сек.

Katrina Balfe in another great sex scene from the TV series Outlander. Katrina first took off the ni..

Naked Katrina Balfe in an erotic scene

2 м.46 сек.

Naked Katrina Balfe sits when the guy gives her a necklace. then Katrina Topless climbs on top of hi..

Nude Katrina Balfe in the pose of a rider

5 м.59 сек.

Scene passionate sex in cipollini Irish actress and model Catherine Balfe that Nude in pose rider ri..

Showing 1 to 7 of 7 (1 Pages)

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1 м.10 сек.

Naked actress Meryem Uzerli in a bed scene of the series Ru where she has sex with a young guy, afte..

Sex scene between a teacher and a schoolboy in a car

1 м.6 сек.

actress Andrea Brain Hovig as a teacher in a car with her student, first she masturbates him and the..

teacher masturbates schoolboy in shower

1 м.54 сек.

a schoolboy goes into the shower and his gym teacher immediately follows him. the boy is surprised, ..