TV series Grand bed scenes naked actresses

TV series Grand bed scenes naked actresses

"Grand" is a Russian comedy series, a direct sequel to the sitcom "Hotel Eleon". Released in 2018. The main character is the student Ksenia Zavgorodnyaya who gets a job at the Grad hotel. Like their predecessors (TV series Kitchen, Hotel Eleon), sexy actresses are selected here, who act in erotic explicit scenes of the series Grand, often filming almost naked in their underwear. watch the best sex scenes with the sexiest actresses of the series "Grand"

TV series actress, naked or in explicit scenes:

  • Mila Sivatskaya - Ksenia Zavgorodnaya - the main role, a student who got a job at the Grand Hotel.
  • Olga Kuzmina - the role of the waitress Anastasia Fomina

Mila Sivatskaya her appetizing breasts

0 м.19 сек. 5363

Mila Sivatskaya dresses for work, but even such an ordinary occupation was taught sexually. First, h..

sexy Mila Sivatskaya in lingerie

0 м.29 сек. 2467

Mila Sivatskaya in underwear goes on stage and arranges a showdown with the presenter, who offers he..

Mila Sivatskaya's ass in lingerie

1 м.21 сек. 4687

Mila Sivatskaya (Ksenia Zavgorodnyaya in the TV series Grand) seduces a guy, when he enters the room..

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